CEO Thought-Partnering

A unique service offering of MCMVP is what we and our clients refer to as Thought-Partnering.

Thought-Partnering is confidential one-on-one collaboration between experienced operators. Although we do offer coaching and mentoring support when required, we find that where we can be most impactful is working with the CEO in conducting a comprehensive deep-dive into the business. This provides for a dynamic that is conducive to tackling issues, challenges and opportunities currently facing the company.

We prioritize and address top-of-mind issues ranging from managing the Board and evaluating strategic bets, to triaging HR issues and implementing creative operational solutions.

Working with the CEO in weekly 90-minute sessions, we focus on the continuous improvement of mutually-agreed upon metrics and KPIs, connecting the dots of operations, strategy and talent.

MCMVP’s Thought-Partnering clients have spanned the ranks of senior Partners at global consulting firms and tenured CEOs at mature companies, to start-up founders and first-time CEOs.

We urge potential clients to take advantage of a complementary in-person 90-minute session to evaluate what service offering may best fit their own unique needs.

Every CEO needs someone to help connect the dots.

Contact us for a free consultation.

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